Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Why hello, yes, oh wait... yes it's me. Quite a stranger I am aren't I, horrible. Just horrible.

So how have we all been? Any new life experiences I should know about? Please feel free to comment, little butterflies have a little party in my stomach whenever I see a new comment, so go ahead, maybe the lady beetles will be invited this time? ( yep I don't know I like to ramble if you haven't noticed).

I am currently listening to the rain whilst swaying my feet side too side. Exciting hey?
So today I wondered off to my dear old grandparent's house. Actually I don't like to use that word...        ' old',  as when I think of them, I think of two bright shining suns smiling at me ( wow nice alliteration there ). I just don't see them as your typical frail OLD grandparents, they are so alive and fun, yes they are really fun! Isn't that great. I may contradict myself here, but my Nonno did tell me something today that made me feel a little sad.
Every day he gets up, walks down to his garage and unravels his fishing rods. Why does he do this? All so he can have something to do the next day. So I am currently on the search for something, anything that can and will keep his mind occupied. So he doesn't have to unwind and re-wind those damn fishing rods EVER again. Except of course when he actually wants to go fishing.

It's funny how old couples are and how their hearing eventually goes haywire. Which results in either one of them screaming in each other's ear, usually with a reply of "WHAT?". I witnessed a perfect example of this today. My mum was telling my grandparents the dream she had, as my grandfather did not quite catch on due to his hearing aid, my grandmother frustratedly yelled in his ear..."SUE HAD A DREAM LAST NIGHT YOU HAD NICE LEGS!".
The whole context of mum's dream and the not hearing part was very amusing.

I hope you enjoyed my silly post. Goodnight you wonders.


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Here's a little about Spearmint Vintage ... One raining day trying to sleep I got thinking about my dream to own my own vintage store, then I thought why not start now! So I began configuring ideas of how to put my love for vintage fashion to use. Then it sprung...ebay, pretty simple. And in case you are wondering the name Spearmint came about through my earliest memory of my dad taking me down to the milk bar ordering his favourite ... a Spearmint milkshake. And well there it was, I fell in love with that word, Spearmint. Basically I go around to op shops and markets and hand pick out items that immediately scream out to me, whether it's the colour, print or style. I'll know when it's a little gem in hiding ... Please Indulge at: Facebook: Ebay: